samedi 22 octobre 2016

Tp 6-Voice over IP (VOIP)

Configure basic router & switch functions
Configure DHCP, Call Manager Express, & Telephony Features
2-Topology Diagrams
The topology that you should end with is shown below:
Step 1:
‘Building the Router’ needs to be configured for DHCP to provide addressing for each IP Phone to be connected. Once DHCP is configured, you will need to configure the FastEthernet0/0 interface and ensure that the IP Phone connected to the multilayer switch receives an IP Address.
For ‘Building the Router’, apply the following dhcp configuration:
Router#configure terminal
Router (config)#ip dhcp pool CATC
Router (dhcp-config)#network
Router (dhcp-config)#default-router
Router (dhcp-config)#option 150 ip
Router (config)#interface FastEthernet0/0
Router (config-if)#ip address
Router (config-if)#no shutdown
Verify that ‘IP Phone 1’ has received an IP address by placing your cursor over the phone until a configuration summary appears.
Step 2:
In order for ‘Building_The_Router’ to handle voice packets, you must now configure the Call Manager Express telephony service. You will also need to specify the maximum number of phones that the router will support and dial numbers.
Router (config)#telephony-service
Router(config-telephony)#max-ephones 5
Router(config-telephony)#max-dn 5
Router(config-telephony)#ip source-address port 2000
Router(config-telephony)#auto assign 4 to 6
Router(config-telephony)#auto assign 1 to 5
Step 3:
Switchport’s Fa0/1 – 5 on ‘Building the Switch’ need to be set to ‘voice’ in order to handle voice packets belonging within VLAN 1.
For ‘Building_The_Switch’ apply the following configuration:
Switch (config)#interface range fa0/1 – 5
Switch (config-if-range)#switchport voice vlan 1
Step 4:
‘IP Phone 1’ is already connected to the multilayer switch port Fa0/2, in order to configure this IP Phone with a dial number you will need to apply the following configuration to ‘Building the Router’:
Router (config)#ephone-dn 1
Router (config-ephone-dn)#number 1101
Router (config)#ephone-dn 2
Router (config-ephone-dn)#number 1201
Router (config)#ephone-dn 3
Router (config-ephone-dn)#number 1301
Router (config)#ephone-dn 4
Router (config-ephone-dn)#number 1401
Once a call is placed, you should see similar results to the below screen capture.

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